Around the World
Geospatial Flying Experience

Flying experience + Motion Tracking + Geospatial + Installation + Interactive + Azure Kinect + Cesium + Unreal Engine 5.2


Discover the real world

Bora Bora seems far away, but we're bringing it a bit closer to you. Inspired by Jules Verne's “Around the World in Eighty Days” - we created an immersive, playful, body controlled flying experience via implementing Cesium's 3D Geospatial power. 

Travel everywhere

Have you ever dreamt of soaring above crystal-clear waters and lush landscapes? Inspired by Jules Verne's adventurous spirit in "Around the World in Eighty Days," we came up with a concept which allows free exploration of real locations.

Picture this: you choose your desired destination anywhere on planet Earth, and with a simple gesture, a hot air balloon whisks you away to the skies. From the comfort of your aerial vantage point, marvel at breathtaking views that stretch as far as the eye can see. But why stop there? For the ultimate thrill-seeker, raise your arms, and like a modern-day Icarus, unfold your glider and take to the open skies.

How we build this?

Utilizing the power of Unreal Engine 5.2 and Cesium Geospatial API, we came up with a visually stunning graphics. Via Kinect motion tracking, the navigation within those locations is super intuitive and fun. Explore the world, in real-time.

We want to know you.

Ready to kickstart a project or just want to say hello 🖖? We can’t wait to hear from you.