A Submarine Expedition - Game Jam 2024

Author: LU – Director of Design & Creative Director

Submarine Expedition

In the depths of the ocean lies a world shrouded in mystery, where only a chosen few dare to venture. Imagine stepping aboard a vessel, not just any vessel, but a submarine—an enigmatic craft that descends into the unknown, where light fades and the ocean's secrets await. This is no ordinary journey; this is a Submarine Expedition—an immersive experience like no other.

As participants embark on this odyssey, they are not mere spectators but active participants in a narrative that unfolds beneath the waves. Led by a seasoned submarine officer, each adventurer becomes a part of the crew, navigating through the silent depths with a sense of wonder and trepidation.

Designing the Voyage

In the depths of the ocean lies a world shrouded in mystery, where only a chosen few dare to venture. Imagine stepping aboard a vessel, not just any vessel, but a submarine—an enigmatic craft that descends into the unknown, where light fades and the ocean's secrets await. This is no ordinary journey; this is a Submarine Expedition—an immersive experience like no other.

As participants embark on this odyssey, they are not mere spectators but active participants in a narrative that unfolds beneath the waves. Led by a seasoned submarine officer, each adventurer becomes a part of the crew, navigating through the silent depths with a sense of wonder and trepidation.


One of the crowning achievements of this expedition lies in the design of the robotic arm—a marvel of engineering that mirrors the articulations of a human limb. With the touch of a joystick or the motion of a hand, participants can grasp, illuminate, and even feed the denizens of the deep, blurring the lines between reality and simulation.

But it is not just the mechanics that lend authenticity to this voyage; it is the meticulously crafted levels that transport adventurers to a world brimming with life and diversity. Each level tells its own story, with unique flora, lighting, and props that beckon explorers deeper into the abyss.

Technical Challengues 

Behind the scenes, cutting-edge technology brings this underwater realm to life. Powered by Unreal Engine 5.3, the application seamlessly blends stunning visuals with responsive gameplay. Submarine control, facilitated by Logitech X 56 HOTAS joystick and throttle, provides a tactile experience akin to commanding a real vessel.

Meanwhile, the robotic arm, controlled by Leap Motion, adds a layer of interactivity that defies convention. And with UI design by Rive and communication facilitated by UDP connection, every aspect of the expedition is finely tuned for maximum immersion.


As the Submarine Expedition demonstrates, the allure of the unknown is a potent force—one that drives us to explore, to discover, and to push the boundaries of imagination. In the depths of the ocean, where light wanes and silence reigns, lies a world waiting to be explored. And with each journey beneath the waves, we are reminded of the boundless wonders that await those bold enough to seek them.