Cheil for Samsung
Black Weeks Smartopia

Unity + Arcade + Gamification + Play to Win


Enter Smartopia: Play, Win, Shop! The Samsung Gaming Experience

Together with Cheil, we custom designed and developed 5 catchy and fun web games which enabled Samsung customers across 27 European countries to play and instantly win Vouchers redeemable in Samsung's web store. The two protagonists G.NUSMAS and Cybercat discover Smartopia, a futuristic world we created for their campaign key visual and the 2.5D Game Map.

Smartopia Keyvisual: AI Inspiration to 3D custom Creation

For a smart asset creation workflow, our team designed the campaigns key visual and customized the game map based on it. We began the creation by exploring styles and directions via AI and then proceeded with architectural sketches as the basis for the 3D creation. After that, we started with the animations that enhance life on the island. Since the game takes place in the browser, we had to consider the performance for such a detailed 3D world, so we decided to go with the 2.5D version.


During the 17 days of Samsung Black Week, visitors could discover 6 immersive games in rides shaped like Samsung products. By winning a game, they unlocked a discount code that immediately lowered the prices in their shopping cart.
On top of that, the “Gnusmas Mission” game hooked visitors with daily quests to discover hidden coupons. Of course, they were eager to return as often as possible to hunt for the maximum discount.

+20% Revenue
+63,5% Conversion Rate
+430% Retention Rate 
1.1M Players in Europe during Campaign

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