BoraBora studios

AURA, the Lightbringer

A story driven interactive installation - body controlled

Kinect enabled motion controlled game interaction

What started out as an experiment, ended up turning into a complete game experience. Aura is an easy flowing gameplay with beautifully crafted aesthetics and soothing meditative sounds. Playable not at home, but at venues, retail, museums, popups stores out in the real world - without the need of your ever-present mobile phone.

We are using an Azure Kinect for body tracking, so no controller is needed to get started. You can literally walk by on the street at a shopping window and start playing. We wanted to offer some tranquility and peace while providing some fun and easy ways to explore and share.

AURA Storyline

You start in a dark and cloudy world which has been ravaged by darkness. Your goal is to bring back light and life into this world. As you gather light, the source of life evolves and becomes brighter.

At the core, was once the life bringing volcano that brought light to the world. When it vanished, so did its life source. What once was the most important key to life has now been broken into thousands of pieces. All is lost? All? No. Some small luminous creatures seem to remain. The little creatures must reactive their life source by rediscovering their own world, bringing light back into it.

Collect tiny shards to gain strength and move faster, making it easier to sail across the ocean of clouds. Avoid obstacles and choose your path, where you will discover ancient life forms and remains of a once vibrant society or nature.

If you successfully collect the shards and lights, the volcano might become active again and light up the aurora borealis.

Aura Vulcano
Aura collected lights
Aura green environment
Bora Bora Aura Thumbnails
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